Diaper Bag Essentials For Newborns

Diaper Bag Essentials For Newborns

Diaper Bag Essentials For Newborns

A well packed diaper bag is a must have for all parents and will help save the day when you’re out and about with your baby.

Make sure your diaper bag is well-stocked with our list of essentials.

Nappies and wipes

As obvious as it may sound, moms can sometimes forget to pack the all important nappies and wipes. These are staples for every diaper bag and can spell disaster if forgotten. Make sure to have enough for your trip and even throw in a few extra!

Changing mat or blanket

A changing mat or blanket is a must when travelling, especially when using public toilets where change tables can be dirty and gross.

Disposable bags

These can be used to contain anything that has been dirtied, including diapers, clothes or blankets.

First aid kit

Although you hopefully won’t be needing a first aid kit when you head out, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Buy a first aid set, or make your own in a pouch, making sure to have band-aids, tissues, nappy rash cream, antiseptic cream and hand sanitizer.

You might also want to include a thermometer on longer trips incase your baby becomes unwell.

Baby bottles (and formula)

Whether using breastmilk or formula, baby bottles are a convenient way to carry or prepare milk. Some diaper bags come with an insulated cooler compartment, so you can prepare milk ahead of time for when your baby gets hungry.

If you choose to mix formula with water at the time of use, it helps to pre-measure what you need to minimize what you need to carry and preparation time.

Change of Clothes

Often a necessity when your baby spits up, drools, spills or has a poop explosion.

Water in a sippy cup

Carrying water for your little one helps to keep him well hydrated throughout the day.

Nasal Aspirator

If your baby has a cold or the sniffles, a nasal aspirator will help you keep him snot free. Opt for a travel-friendly aspirator like the Little Martin’s Electric Nasal Aspirator that is quick and discreet so you can use it even when on public transport or at the shops.

Emergency information

Keeping a copy of important phone numbers and emergency contacts can come in handy when a situation arises. Don’t forget to include your family’s doctors and health insurance contacts.

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