How To Deal With Your Baby’s Congested Nose

How To Deal With Your Baby’s Congested Nose

How To Deal With Your Baby’s Congested Nose

Nasal congestion in babies is very common especially within the first 6 months. The main causes range from a common cold, dry air, allergies or irritants, but could also be an indication of a more serious condition.

A blocked or stuffy nose can create problems with feeding, as your baby may begin to try breathing through their mouth instead. It could also potentially lead to breathing problems, though this is much rarer. Regardless, it is important for parents to learn how to clear baby’s nose and identify when it is time to visit a doctor.


Soothe Baby’s Discomfort

Congestion typically goes away on its own within a week, but there are still ways you as a parent can alleviate your baby’s discomfort while congested:

  • Clear Out Mucus

Relieve your baby from difficult breathing by clearing out his or her nostrils. There are many tools available to help with this, such as Little Martin’s electric nasal aspirator, a handy device that will gently suck out mucus at the simple press of a button. You could pair it with saline drops to help loosen stubborn bits. If your child is old enough, have them blow their nose regularly as required.

  • Create Moisture

If you suspect dryness is causing congestion, try adding moisture with a humidifier or vaporizer. You could also sit in the bathroom with the hot shower running and have your child breathe in the steam. Water vapor helps to moisten and loosen the mucus inside your baby’s nose. Make sure to clean out and refill the humidifier or vaporizer each day.

  • Check Surrounding Factors

A baby’s sensitive nose can be affected by the presence of irritants in the air, such as perfumes, cigarette smoke, or dust. Avoid exposing your baby to any of these, and make sure to clean up any dust build up around the house.


Signs to Look Out For

If your baby’s congestion does not clear up after two weeks, call your doctor immediately. It is also highly recommended to get your baby checked out as soon as possible if difficult breathing persists after suctioning, your baby is unable to eat or speak, or if he or she starts coughing or choking after feeding.

Other symptoms to watch out for include a fever, rash, swelling of the face, or if your baby is extremely fussy or appears to be in pain.

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